Would you like free stories, fun, and a chance at over $1,000 in prizes? This summer, you can participate in a short story extravaganza! Award-winning authors of dystopian, paranormal, urban fantasy, speculative, and science fiction will showcase stories for your enjoyment. Chat with your favorite authors, meet new-to-you authors, find great new books, and meet new friends! Sci Spanks Featured Authors Anastasia Vitsky Anne Ferrer Odom Carole Cummings Cathy Pegau Erzabet Bishop Eve Langlais Eva Lefoy Jessica E. Subject Kate Richards Kathryn R. Blake Leigh Ellwood Louisa Bacio Maren Smith Natasha Knight Olivia Starke Sue Lyndon Introducing guest blogger Ami Starsong! Want to become a Sci Spanks ambassador and earn an extra prize entry? See below! Even better, participation could earn you a GRAND PRIZE! READER PRIZES! Kindle Fire or Nook HD (winner’s choice) (donated by Blushing Books) $25 gift certificate to Amazon and an autographed copy of Alien Warriors *Available to […]