Off To a Kinky Convention

Beauty and I are off to a lovely kink/fetish convention so my post An Anal Sex Tutorial and my answer to the submissive wanting help with her punishment will have to be considered the weekly posting of BDSM topics. We have a busy schedule of kinky classes, I want to learn fire play among other things, and three full nights of huge dungeon play. These events are very fun. You get to really be yourself with other kinky people for a few days, but they are also tiring. I will post if time permits. We are taking the small computer, but I won’t make any promises. When we come home I will post about our adventures.

We have to finish packing. It super hard to fit dungeon toys, fetish outfits including shoes, regular clothes, aftercare supplies, and so on into two suitcases!

Have a good two weeks my lovely readers,

About JolynnRaymond

Writer of historical paranormal romance, kinky historical romance, and BDSM Mistress and Sex Blogger. I hold the position of being one of Kinkly's Top 100 Sex Bloggers. Two of my books, Taken in Hand A Guide to Domestic Discipline and His Lordship's Wayward Wife, have been nominated as best BDSM Non Fiction and Best BDSM Historical books of the year. The awards ceremony will take place at the BDSM Writers Con in New York City this August.