Creating Balance and Love in Your Domestic Discipline Relationship 7 comments
The people who are involved in domestic discipline and power exchange relationships will often tell those who question their lifestyle choice that the addition of structure and discipline has brought them much closer. While there will always be naysayers and those who remain skeptical, those of us who live in these types of relationships will undoubtedly insist that it’s true. The act of giving guidance, creating structure, holding someone accountable, seeing to their every need including the need for discipline, creates a special bond. There are no long periods of resentment, unresolved anger, or holding on to things that fester and gnaw at a relationship. Issues arise, they are handled in a way that both people find not only acceptable, but desirable, and the problem is laid to rest. Do DD couples argue? Actually no, my wife and I don’t. I give her a stern talking to in conjunction with any […]