Daily Archives: May 12, 2013

Plan of Action 3 comments

Those of you who read my post from yesterday are already up to date with my trials and tribulations, those who didn’t ought to read it before this one. Yesterday I was mopey. Could be menopause, could be work stress. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that writing down and sharing my issues has had a positive effect. 1. We are all human, yes, dominants too. Those of us who wield the power and make the decisions work hard in power exchange relationships. We are prone to mistakes and doubts just like anyone else. No one can have the strength and confidence it takes to be a good Mistress or Master 24/7/365. 2. As I always preach to you, communication is vital. Beauty and I somehow slipped away from our sit down talks every Saturday evening. This is a time to talk without boundaries or roles. Person to person, wife […]