Daily Archives: June 11, 2015

A Collection of Posts Explaining The Daddy/ lg/ Babygirl Dynamic #AdultSexEdMonth 9 comments

A Collection of Posts Explaining The Daddy/ lg/ Babygirl Dynamic #AdultSexEdMonth  The Daddy/ babygirl Dynamic This piece is written by a close friend, RWE. He has a great deal of experience with Daddy Dom/babygirl relationships, and was eager to share his knowledge in an effort to provide a clear and intelligent voice on this often misunderstood relationship. Being Her Daddy/ Being His babygirl  John Brownstone and his babygirl Kayla explain how their dynamic works in a Daddy/ little girl relationship. I originally got the idea of doing guest posts from reading John’s article from his blog, and asked Kayla if she could write a companion piece to go along with it. RWE‘s post focused on his roll of Daddy, this piece tells both sides.  Daddy and Babygirl Relationships by Paul Rulof (Rule of Three) While we have had several other Daddy/babygirl posts, the subject seems to be popular, and I have had […]