Daily Archives: May 28, 2014

SRR – Round Table Discussion: When Your Vanilla Partner Doesn’t Share Your Kink 23 comments

This weeks Spanking Romance Reviews {SRR} Roundtable Discussion topic is The Vanilla Spouse: When Your Significant Other Doesn’t Share Your Fetish.  It is being hosted by Katherine Deane. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Usually it’s Jolynn that tells you what’s what, but I had something to say about this as I’ve already lived it. So, long before I had met my husband I had already been reading all the books and magazines that I could get my hands on before I turned 18. I grew up in the 70’s when swinging and disco were big, and my Mom would take me to bookstores and I’d ask her if I could have a book. One book I snabbed was about swinging. I don’t remember the title, but I remember the color of the book. I trotted around the neighborhood reading it, and I thought that was interesting. I babysat for single ladies that went out […]