Daily Archives: January 1, 2014

A Commitment Not a Resolution 1 comment

A Commitment Not a Resolution I stopped doing the whole resolution thing a long time ago. There are lots of things I could change to be more healthy, but I’d rather do things that make those people in my life happier than resolve not to eat that extra piece of chocolate cake. So here is something I need to remember to make my life and in turn the lives of those who matter to me, better. You can’t fix stupid. – I often feel the need to pull out my soapbox when I see things that make me annoyed or in general say ‘What the f**k”.  I don’t need to spend time and energy on those who choose to be stupid and ignorant. The people who put themselves out there and proclaim to the world that they are an idiot can be king of the sandbox. I’m going to grab my shovel and my […]