Daily Archives: June 23, 2016

This Is Not the Face of Hate 2 comments

This Is Not the Face of Hate It has become my habit on days I don’t have to work, to sit down with my coffee and look through the newest pins on Pinterest. As I begin with one board, I often move about and follow where my interest leads me. This morning after finding pins for my board called Strong Women I clicked on a woman I admired, then another who had her child with her because being a mom takes strength, especially if you live in a third world country. Finally, I came to a board that held photos of children. I have a very soft heart, and one look at the face of a child can make me melt. The first child had such an incredible smile that I knew I had to pin her. She wasn’t beauty pageant pretty all dolled up with make-up, wasn’t a model, […]