Plot Bunnies Running Through Your Head
If you were a Plot Bunny, what would you look like? My wife uses that phrase, and I can picture rabbits jumping about in a thought bubble near her. If Jolynn needs a break from writing to try to get ideas, sometimes she will lay down in the dark like she is going to take a nap and has the sound machine on. Then she’ll pop back up after while and trot over to where I am to let me know that she’s going to write. Her special spot to write is in our bedroom sitting propped up in bed with the laptop and the cats on the bed with her. There is no talking at this time of course.
I’m curious what other writers Plot Bunnies look like in their mind. (I know it’s a weird question, but most creative people are a bit weird.) What do you do that inspires you to write? Do you have a special spot that you write your stories, or is it just at your desk?
My plot bunnies are usually ideas that need to be wrangled but it’s like cat herding. Then all hell ensues when the characters in my head begin to talk through dialog which can make my need to be wrangled bunnies have even more power to dance about. It’s all very crazy in my head sometimes I find Beauty’s idea of them milling about in thought bubbles very amusing. Oh what a place this would be if the bunnies got loose.
To me, plot bunnies are those ideas that you just can let go of until you write them down. I rarely get them, they are very elusive creatures to me. I have plenty of characters running around in my head looking for a story, but finding a plot is the hard part for me.