Domestic Discipline & Power Exchange Relationship Workshop ~ BDSM Writers Con 2015 #NYC 2 comments

Jolynn-Sidebar-Red Final

Domestic Discipline and Power Exchange Relationship Workshop
BDSM Writers Con NYC ~ August 21 – 23, 2015

Creating and Understanding Domestic Discipline and Power Exchange Relationships by Jolynn Raymond and Beauty’s Punishment

This workshop will explore the ins and outs of my own personal, domestic discipline and power exchange relationships with my wife Beauty, my play partner, and my service submissives. I am the dominant and head of household in my marriage, as well as being the head of my kink family, and I will share exactly what that entails. I will emphasize on the dominant’s role and responsibilities in creating and maintaining either a DD or D/s relationship.

Attendees will be walked through the topics of discussion that must be covered prior to any kink relationship, as well as how to set up the rules, routines, responsibilities, and punishments. All of these aspects take time to establish, and must suit each individual pair, but I will share my method of setting the boundaries and covering the topics that apply to both my wife and myself. Strategies for working out the differences between each couple, and finding their way to the complete consent that is mandatory, will be covered as well.

I will share the pitfalls any kind of power exchange relationships will face, and go over what to do when the inevitable first spanking needs to be given. A strong DD or D/s relationship can weather the inescapable storms if they have the strategies to keep the communication lines open. This workshop will help you form a strong relationship in which you are both happy.

Handouts include:

  • My Dominants Code of Ethics
  • My wife’s rules and expectations
  • A list (with some detail) of the tips to keep a DD or D/s relationship strong



About BeautysPunishment

Once a wild brat that couldn’t be tamed, I have been in a 24/7 DD, D/s relationship since July 14, 2011. We had a collaring ceremony lead by Mistress Joanne and attended by friends. I’m only submissive to Jolynn. Every day I run our business, and anything else so Jolynn can write her books in peace and quiet when she has time. I am the housewife, secretary, publicist, pet parent, and doer of good deeds, squirrel, and fueled by caffeine. Redbull gives me wings to fly through the internets. It is my drink of choice, and it's what's for breakfast. I tend to put my foot in mouth, and will say things without thinking; so if I offend anyone, it's not intentional. I am blunt and to the point, and don't have an inner monologue. According to Jolynn, I don’t have an off button. She keeps trying to find it on the top of my head. I have an off the wall sense of humor; more often than not I am impulsive, a little loud, and sometimes obnoxious. But that's just me.

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