Adult Coloring Books

Hell In A Hand Basket #Stress

Hell In A Hand Basket #Stress Since the world seems like it’s going to Hell in a hand basket everyday I’ve decided to take up adult coloring. I bought two books the other day and one of them I really like. It’s called Enchanted Forest: An Inky Quest & Coloring Book by Johanna Basford. The book itself is thick and of heavier stock and the pictures are really pretty. There are two other books from her called Secret Garden and Lost Ocean and good chance I will get those next. The other one I have now is from Creative Haven Art Nouveau Animal Designs; it’s ok so far for $4. The colored pencil set I bought is Prang with fifty colors that are pre-sharpened and were $11 when they were purchased. It seemed like quite a few people favored the Prismacolor brand, but they were a little expensive at the moment. I […]