My Absence/ Accident

I have been in the habit of posting a weekly BDSM topic so people interested in BDSM and kinky play can make wise and informed decision. I failed to post last week and may not post this weekend either because our lives have been hectic. We were hit by a semi truck while driving on the interstate (not our fault). The car is toast, Beauty, myself, and Niles the wonder dog are pretty much okay. Niles could use some good doggy therapy but we have no local dog whisperer. The vet has put him of Xanax and Prozac because he was traumatized. Being stuck in a car in the middle of an interstate as cars and trucks go by for almost 2 hours, having firemen in big hats working to get beauty’s door open and opening the door by him, hearing lots of sirens really close to his doggy ears, and being carried to a sheriff’s squad along a busy freeway can mess with a dog’s head.

So we are looking like soccer moms driving a mini van rental, dealing with the insurance company, and seeing doctors and such. Hopefully I can get back on schedule soon. One more thing that needs mentioning simply because I am still simmering about it. To the rental car lady with her nose in the air who came to pick us up after we finally were driven off the interstate and were standing there with our very freaked out dog (We were freaked out as well) I wish to say bite me lady. She pulls up and tells us the company policy is that pets may not ride in rental cars. I get that lady, but you seriously wanted us to leave our dog there? Really? We fussed at how ridiculous it was to be telling us he couldn’t come with us and how was he supposed to get home if not with his moms, and she finally let him in on Beauty’s lap. It was simply one more spoonful of stress in an already maxed out stressful day. Really? We were supposed to leave our terrified dog by himself sitting by the road? So yeah… bite me lady. Have some common sense and compassion.

About JolynnRaymond

Writer of historical paranormal romance, kinky historical romance, and BDSM Mistress and Sex Blogger. I hold the position of being one of Kinkly's Top 100 Sex Bloggers. Two of my books, Taken in Hand A Guide to Domestic Discipline and His Lordship's Wayward Wife, have been nominated as best BDSM Non Fiction and Best BDSM Historical books of the year. The awards ceremony will take place at the BDSM Writers Con in New York City this August.