Sex Stories We Love Shoutout #Kinkly

I received a nice shout out from Bobbie Morgan aka Ms. Quote on Kinkly’s Sex Stories We Love this week. It is for a post called Four Long Years As A Fetlife Creep ~ One Man’s Journey featured here on Dark Obsessions. She is a contributor to Kinkly as a sex blogging columnist, and also on A Good Woman’s Dirty Mind. Bobbie just recently hosted the month long Adult Sex Ed for June. If you missed it, you can read this June’s and last years, which was the very first, on the Adult Sex Ed website. There is a lot of helpful information in one place for everyone. 

About JolynnRaymond

Writer of historical paranormal romance, kinky historical romance, and BDSM Mistress and Sex Blogger. I hold the position of being one of Kinkly's Top 100 Sex Bloggers. Two of my books, Taken in Hand A Guide to Domestic Discipline and His Lordship's Wayward Wife, have been nominated as best BDSM Non Fiction and Best BDSM Historical books of the year. The awards ceremony will take place at the BDSM Writers Con in New York City this August.